Ninja saga Facebook skill Tips secrets will help you know how to build a better character that is strong and hard to beat. all ninja saga character will depend on there skill. how you will combined there skill to best damage to your enemy. the most important that you must know special of your skill to be aware that you are not just wasting you mana or SP. in ninja saga your character can only use two types of skill.Ninja saga Facebook skill Tips secrets will give you an hint the WIND ELEMENT is a DODGE effect. using wind element gives you special to dodge that the enemy cannot hit you. Ninja saga Facebook skill Tips secrets FIRE ELEMENT is a pure DAMAGE it give full amount to damage your enemy in a big rate. Ninja saga Facebook skill Tips secrets LIGHTNING ELEMENT is a CRITICAL attack. its tendensy is to Time(2x) The Damage to your enemy. Ninja saga Facebook skill Tips secrets EARTH ELEMENT is the DEFENSE type of skill that is can BLOCK all attacks. Ninja saga Facebook skill Tips secrets WATER ELEMENT is where REGENERATION gives Full heath and mana. these are the skill of the ninjutsu element in ninja saga. Best combination in ninja saga of your character (FIRE,WIND) (FIRE,LIGHTNING) (FIRE, EARTH) (FIRE,WATER). if you are depending on Pure damage. also in defense type in ninja saga is the (EARTH,WATER) because when your are in a fight in ninja saga battle the most effective you can use earth as defense and damage then water for heal and damage. for ninja saga Fast damage effect is (LIGHTNING,WATER) lightning is for critical damage and water for heal. there are more techniques in ninja saga battle skill type. this is only a tips for you. but in ninja saga battle the decision in on you how you would be the strongest ninja character in ninja saga game. for more ninja saga battle get full Version.
HOpe this can help you on your ninja saga